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Test Solutions for Model-based Development

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?

Use Cases

Back-to-Back Test

Fully automated comparison between model and code behavior


Back-to-back Test

Back-to-back Test between model and code are highly recommend by the ISO 26262 standard, but preparing and executing a back-to-back test can become quite challenging… especially in larger projects. Not only is it difficult to build up the enough test data to ensure completeness, but also the execution and the comparison between the model and code is often not intuitive or efficient.

BTC EmbeddedPlatform manages this challenge automatically, with 100% completeness and 0% manual effort.

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BTC EmbeddedPlatform

Highly Automated Back-to-back Test

BTC EmbeddedPlatform provides an ISO 26262 certified environment for the automated back-to-back test between models (MIL) and production code (SIL/PIL). All relevant details of the model and code architecture are automatically extracted for TargetLink as well as Embedded Coder models.

The needed test cases are also generated automatically, making Back-to-back test with BTC EmbeddedPlatform a true push-button solution. The test generation is based on so-called model checking technology. Unlike random algorithms, this technology not only guarantees that the smallest and shortest set of test cases to cover the desired objectives will be found, but it also performs a dynamic analysis showing that some objectives are unreachable. This means that the tool is able to mathematically prove that some coverage goals is not reachable.


Coverage Goals for Automatic Test Generation

Needed testcases for Back-to-back testing is automatically generated by BTC EmbeddedPlatform. You can achieve full structural coverage of your production code without manual effort. This includes coverage goals like statement, decision, condition, MC/DC or domain coverage. The test generator will be able to access all input variables and calibrations, allowing it to detect issues that have not been revealed by manually created test cases.


Statement Coverage


Decision/ Branch Coverage


Condition Coverage


MC/DC Coverage


Function Coverage


Function Call Coverage


Relational Operator Coverage


Division by 0 Coverage


Downcast Coverage


Switch Case Coverage


Equivalence Class coverage


Boundary Value Coverage


User-Defined Coverage


Relational Operator Coverage

Divide and Conquer

Hierarchical Approach

BTC EmbeddedPlatform supports “Hierarchical approach” which makes test and verification (incl. Automatic Test Generation, Formal Verification) more efficient & effective especially when working with large software.

You can test/verify child subsystems without additional effort. After the testing/verification, aggregated reports are automatically generated.


Flexible Debugging

BTC EmbeddedPlatform includes a unique debugging approach by generating self-contained sandboxes. These sandboxes contain a copy of the system-under-test as well as the test case incl. the corresponding calibration values. Depending on the use case, this sandbox can either be a Simulink model, a Microsoft Visual Studio project file or a generic code-based sandbox for other IDEs. These sandboxes can be easily shared with colleagues or customers and make it easy to try out modifications without harming the original files.

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Test Automation & Cloud

With m-API and/or REST-API, you are able to run your test workflows completely automatically. Fully automated Back-to-back Testing (incl. automatic test generation) can be executed sequentially without user interaction.

With an off-the-shelf support for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment such as Jenkins, a powerful and flexible REST API and the availability of a Linux-based container image, BTC EmbeddedPlatform is ready for all your future test automation needs, on your own servers or even in the cloud.


Product Package

Back-to-back Test Package

Fully automated Back-to-back Test, Regression Test and Migration Test incl. Automatic Test Generation

Request an Evaluation License

If you would like to try out our tools, we will gladly provide an evaluation license free of chargeEvaluations include a free launch workshop and also provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with our support and engineering teams.

Schedule a Meeting with our Engineering Team

Do you have any questions or want to see our tools in action? If so, please use the link below to schedule a meeting, where a member of our engineering team will be happy to show you the features and use cases and directly answer any questions you might have.

Request an Evaluation License​

If you would like to try out our tools, we will gladly provide an evaluation license free of chargeEvaluations include a free launch workshop and also provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with our support and engineering teams.

Schedule a Meeting with our Engineering Team

Do you have any questions or want to see our tools in action? If so, please use the link below to schedule a meeting, where a member of our engineering team will be happy to show you the features and use cases and directly answer any questions you might have.


From our Blog​

Sharing insights on embedded software development, model-based design, automatic code generation and ISO 26262 compliant testing.



Discover some of the main features of our products in these short videos.

Back-to-back Test Package

Fully automated Back-to-back Test, Regression Test and Migration Test incl. Automatic Test Generation