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Test Solutions for Model-based Development

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?

The Power of Focus – How to Optimize a Model Checker for Embedded Software

1. Focus on effectiveness to solve the problem of your customer! Since day one we address exactly the problem classes our customer needs to solve, i.e. large-sized auto-generated embedded code –on the one hand– with integer, floating point and pointer arithmetic, large look-up tables, and state-flow logic but –on the other hand– even without recursive functions, memory allocation, and […]

AUTOSAR – What Every Function Developer Should Know…

In recent decades, the demands for designing smarter and safer vehicles has caused a significant increase in the size and complexity of the automotive systems software. In a modern high-end passenger car, more than 100 million software lines of code (SLoC) are embedded and distributed across as many as 80 ECUs communicating in a network […]

Modular Model-based Software Architecture for Efficient Unit and Integration Test

The use of model-based design to develop embedded software is well established in automotive projects but with the growing size and complexity of software, handling big sized model is often a challenge. Model-based design enables to easily craft a software application and from one step to another refine it, test it and generate the production […]

4 Ways to Detect Undesired Changes During a Tool Version Migration

4) Software Requirements in ISO 26262 chapter 6 Software requirements are the result of a transformation process of the TSRs allocated to software parts and the HSIs into a set of requirements used to develop the software functions. In parallel, hardware requirements are also derived to develop the hardware elements. Software requirements describe the static […]

Should I test the Model or the Code?

Model-based software development (MBD) with tools like Simulink and TargetLink in the automotive industry has grown over the past years and is a well-established development methodology today. Despite all the advantages, it can’t be denied that MBD introduces one additional step in the development process. In addition to the production C code there is also […]

3 Challenges in Setting up a Test Project for Handwritten C-Code

Despite the growing trend to move towards Model-Based development (MBD), a large part of the automotive embedded software is still developed as handwritten code. We observe that people move to MBD methodology for new projects or when new complex functions are introduced. The remaining part of hand code could be explained by several factors: existing […]

What are the differences between functional and structural test cases?

When it comes to unit testing in automotive industries, the first use case most people have in mind is functional testing. Basically, this means to take all requirements that belong to a certain unit and write test cases to verify if the unit works as expected. Functional test cases As already mentioned, these test cases […]

What you should know about code coverage

Each time we talk about testing, we also talk about code coverage. But why is it important to keep an eye on code coverage and what are possible code coverage goals? What is code coverage? Code coverage is the sum of all coverage goals that are covered by a set of test cases. Coverage goals […]

3 Takeaways from Jenkins World 2018 Nice

If you’re not used to the term “DevOps”: Wikipedia defines DevOps as “a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality”. However, most of the people who are involved have a rough definition that can be […]

What you should know about floating-point

Floating-point becomes more and more common in today’s automotive industry. Since development is often done model-based using tools such as Simulink and dSPACE TargetLink, the model serves as an additional abstraction layer and therefore is an additional stage in the development and testing process. In comparison to fixed-point, floating-point comes up with several advantages. The […]