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Test Solutions for Model-based Development


Automatic Test of Ford Code Replacement Library Routines

Thabo Krick

Oldenburg, Germany

What we haveThe Journey – from idea to solution

It seems like every day more and more software teams are developing software in a model-based way, using Simulink models and auto-generated c-code… and Ford is no different. Many low-level math and interpolation routines have been developed by the central software team as libraries that can be used by different production teams. In order to fulfill specific requirements on the code side, the c-code for these routines is hand-coded and the Code Replacement Library (CRL) can be used in model-based development to integrate the handwritten code files during the code generation process.

The problem with this process: even for simple algorithms, it’s likely that the behavior on the model and code level aren’t 100% match. This leads to errors down the line that can be a nightmare to analyze.

This journey takes us from the initial objective to a solid and automated test workflow. A journey is rarely straightforward from start to finish. But at the end of the day, the detours, hurdles, and discarded approaches find us appreciating the maturity and simplicity of the final result even more.

Please also have a look at our other blog articles to find out more. 

Thabo Krick

Oldenburg, Germany

Application Engineer

Thabo Krick studied Economic Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg and joined BTC Embedded Systems AG in 2013 as a student. With his team he set up the Jenkins-based software pipeline for BTC development and testing activities across all departments. After his Bachelor degree, he developed plugins and provided technical support for BTC EmbeddedPlatform customers world-wide. Since 2017 Thabo has provided trainings and consulted customers from the automotive domain regarding their testing process, ISO 26262 and automation. In 2018 he became a "Certified Jenkins Engineer" by successfully passing the exam at the Jenkins World Congress in Nice/France.

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