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Test Solutions for Model-based Development

3 Reasons for Model-Based Development Approach

Model-Based Development (MBD) changed the automotive software engineering by aligning with the human cognitive process, unlike traditional C or assembler coding. MBD enables a Left-Shift approach, reducing costs by deducting issues in the early development cycle. This blog article summarizes 3 reasons for Model-Based Development Approach Reason #1 Higher Abstraction Level In the early days, […]

Best Practices for an Efficient Test of Simulink Models

Best Practices for Efficiently Testing Simulink Models In Model-based Development (MBD), Embedded Software Engineers create software systems with the help of model visualization and analysis. As the complexity of these models grows and the need to meet safety standards increases, the testing procedure becomes more time-consuming. Therefore, conducting extensive tests on these models before generating […]

What you should now about testing variants

Creating different variants of a software component is an efficient way of reusing existing and developed features for different versions of a specific component or controller. Thus, testing variants is an ubiquitous task in the automotive industry that needs to be taken into account during testing.  How are variants created in a Model-based Software development process? When […]

Simulink Interface Concepts

In Model-based Development and Embedded Software Engineering, the growing complexity requires concepts like modularization, ease of maintenance, or module reusability. In this context it is crucial to understand the interface in Simulink, which is defined by the data flow into and out of a subsystem. This blog article gives an overview about the different interfaces […]

Automatic Test of Ford Code Replacement Library Routines

What we haveThe Journey – from idea to solution It seems like every day more and more software teams are developing software in a model-based way, using Simulink models and auto-generated c-code… and Ford is no different. Many low-level math and interpolation routines have been developed by the central software team as libraries that can […]

3 Reasons to Consider Using a Floating-Point Model to Generate Fixed-Point Code

Despite the availability of fast processors with dedicated floating-point support, we still see many projects generating fixed-point code. The reason for this is not only the resource usage, but also the more transparent and predictable mathematical behavior. You can read more about this in our previous articles “What you should know about fixed-point” and “What […]

What You Should Know About Fixed-Point

Vocabulary: Floating-point? – Fixed-point? – Scaling? – Resolution? – LSB? Basically, we can distinguish between two kinds of datatypes in embedded code: Floating-point and Integer. An integer variable basically represents whole numbers and the value range is limited by the number of bits. For example, an (unsigned) 8bit Integer can represent 2^8=256 different values, by default ranging from […]

When and how to generate test cases automatically

The automatic generation of test cases has always been a controversial topic. While some people dream about stopping any manual test activities others say that test generation is not allowed. But who is right? Test Goals for test case generation Let’s have a quick look at the possible test goals for which we can generate […]

Modular Model-based Software Architecture for Efficient Unit and Integration Test

The use of model-based design to develop embedded software is well established in automotive projects but with the growing size and complexity of software, handling big sized model is often a challenge. Model-based design enables to easily craft a software application and from one step to another refine it, test it and generate the production […]

4 Ways to Detect Undesired Changes During a Tool Version Migration

4) Software Requirements in ISO 26262 chapter 6 Software requirements are the result of a transformation process of the TSRs allocated to software parts and the HSIs into a set of requirements used to develop the software functions. In parallel, hardware requirements are also derived to develop the hardware elements. Software requirements describe the static […]