When and how to generate test cases automatically
The automatic generation of test cases has always been a controversial topic. While some people dream about stopping any manual test activities others say that test generation is not allowed. But who is right? Test Goals for test case generation Let’s have a quick look at the possible test goals for which we can generate […]
Modular Model-based Software Architecture for Efficient Unit and Integration Test
The use of model-based design to develop embedded software is well established in automotive projects but with the growing size and complexity of software, handling big sized model is often a challenge. Model-based design enables to easily craft a software application and from one step to another refine it, test it and generate the production […]
4 Ways to Detect Undesired Changes During a Tool Version Migration
4) Software Requirements in ISO 26262 chapter 6 Software requirements are the result of a transformation process of the TSRs allocated to software parts and the HSIs into a set of requirements used to develop the software functions. In parallel, hardware requirements are also derived to develop the hardware elements. Software requirements describe the static […]
Should I test the Model or the Code?
Model-based software development (MBD) with tools like Simulink and TargetLink in the automotive industry has grown over the past years and is a well-established development methodology today. Despite all the advantages, it can’t be denied that MBD introduces one additional step in the development process. In addition to the production C code there is also […]
What you should know about floating-point
Floating-point becomes more and more common in today’s automotive industry. Since development is often done model-based using tools such as Simulink and dSPACE TargetLink, the model serves as an additional abstraction layer and therefore is an additional stage in the development and testing process. In comparison to fixed-point, floating-point comes up with several advantages. The […]