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Test Solutions for Model-based Development

Use Cases

Requirements Analysis

Ultimate frontloading, failure detection before modeling and implementation


Formal Requirements Analysis​

Many development projects fail because inconsistent or incorrect functional requirement specifications are unveiled too late in the process, for instance, when the system has been implemented and contradictions are found last-minute during system tests.

Requirements Analysis on BTC EmbeddedPlatform enables to shift the detection of incomplete, incorrect and inconsistent functional requirements to the early stage of requirements elicitation.

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Importance of requirements

The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No other part of conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detailed technical requirements. No other part of the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is as difficult to rectify later.
[Frederick Brooks (IBM) 1987 Software Engineer and Computer Scientist (National Medal of Technology and the Turing Award)]

The inability to produce complete, correct and unambiguous software requirements is still considered the major cause of software failure today.
[Merlin Dorfman (Cisco) 1997 Quality Systems Advisor Engineer]


CCC-Analysis of Requirements

BTC EmebeddedPlatfrom supports Requirements Analysis for analyzing Completeness, Correctness and Consistency (CCC) of Formal Requirements specified in Universal Pattern.


A single formal requirement RUT (Requirement Under Test) is called complete to the set of other Formal Requirements SUR (SUrrounding Formal Requirements) when the conjoint behaviors of SUR allow to fulfill the RUT.

Implementation does not exist at all if RUT is incomplete to the SUR.


A set of formal requirements is called correct when all test cases which are defined for that set can be successfully executed and the execution verdict is “passed”.

Successful execution means that
simultaneous evaluation of formal requirements against a test case is possible in a sense that no requirement contradictions/consistencies occur during that assessment.


A single Formal Requirement RUT (Requirement Under Test) is called inconsistent to the set of other Formal Requirements SUR (SUrrounding Formal Requirements) when the conjoint behaviors of SUR allow to violate the RUT.

The RUT is said to be consistent if no such violation can exist.


Requirement Simulation & Debugging

Requirement Simulation enables simulation of requirements against defined test cases. Requirements are commonly abstract  and not concrete enough for simulation. However, Symbolic Model Checking technology enabled simulation only with requirements. Thanks to the intelligent technology, BTC EmbeddedPlatform is possible to show one of possible simulation runs which does not violate any requirements.

This feature also helps debugging inconsistency of requirements and debugging correctness check failures.


Product Package

Requirements Analysis Package

Ultimate frontloading, failure detection even before modeling and/or implementation

Request an Evaluation License

If you would like to try out our tools, we will gladly provide an evaluation license free of chargeEvaluations include a free launch workshop and also provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with our support and engineering teams.

Schedule a Meeting with our Engineering Team

Do you have any questions or want to see our tools in action? If so, please use the link below to schedule a meeting, where a member of our engineering team will be happy to show you the features and use cases and directly answer any questions you might have.

Request an Evaluation License​

If you would like to try out our tools, we will gladly provide an evaluation license free of chargeEvaluations include a free launch workshop and also provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with our support and engineering teams.

Schedule a Meeting with our Engineering Team

Do you have any questions or want to see our tools in action? If so, please use the link below to schedule a meeting, where a member of our engineering team will be happy to show you the features and use cases and directly answer any questions you might have.


From our Blog​

Sharing insights on embedded software development, model-based design, automatic code generation and ISO 26262 compliant testing.



Discover some of the main features of our products in these short videos.

Requirements Analysis Package

Ultimate frontloading, failure detection before modeling and implementation.